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The Foolproof Formula for Writing A Murder Mystery

Is the woman in your murder mystery a possession? A victim? Glossy and virginal? If not, you’re going to need these tips to really nail the genre.

How to Overcome COVID-19 Writer’s Block 

Has the pandemic left you in a creative slump? J.L. Akagi shares eight tips she hopes will help you overcome COVID-19 writer’s block.

A Review of Rust: A Memoir of Steel and Grit 

LaVonne Roberts reviews Rust: A Memoir of Steel and Grit, Eliese Colette Goldbach’s story of growing up and later working in a steel plant.

Disgruntled Student Who Never Attended Online Composition Course Evaluates Professor Via Her Bitmoji

Thanks to one very creative and surly student, a professor receieves her first (and hopefully only) course evaluation via bitmoji.

Ghostwriting: The Good, the Bad, and the *Lucrative*

Ghostwriting isn’t for everyone, but if you think it might be for you, here are five things to keep in mind before you get started.

Unmuting the Sonority of the Written Word: Reading Poetry Aloud

For Karina Lutz, reading poetry aloud has offered joy during quarantine, a gift she shares with loved ones and online in lieu of touring with her new book.

Lessons from Book-Writing as a Teen

What’s book-writing as a teen like? Uma Menon discusses the challenges and rewards of starting a poetry career as a young person.

Speculative Reprint Markets for 2020

Speculative reprint markets are few and far between, but this list could help you gain a new audience for your previously published work.

Writers: Are You Wearing The Right Shoes?

Perhaps it’s true what they say about shoes: you can never have enough. And as a writer, the best thing to do during a rut is change pairs.