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7 Benefits of Being a Senior-Citizen Writer

If you think being a senior-citizen writer implies aimless time spent in a rocking chair, think again. Here are seven benefits to writing later in life.

A Lady Writer’s Guide to Freelancing in the Time of COVID

As a lady writer in the time of COVID, be prepared to embrace suffering, sleep badly, multi-task like a mother, and accomplish little.

Writing with Kids: Why Everyone Should Have a Junior Research Assistant

These days so many of us are writing with kids. Part III of our creative research series shares three ways to inviolve little ones in your research.

5 Ways Freelancing Can Improve Your Creative Writing

Ifediba Nzube shares from her experience with content and short stories, offering five ways freelancing can improve your creative writing.

5 Literary Cartoons by Ali Solomon

From a bookish pig to the sorting hat for delicates, literary cartoons by Ali Solomon are good fun for overly serious writerly types and everyone else too.

Between Assignments

Wondering how to occupy yourself between assignments? Divya Rai offers seven suggestions for personal development and productivity during slow times.

Suggestions for Emerging (or Broke) Filmmakers

Lack of money can be an asset if it forces you to find new ways of doing things. Explore these creative suggestions for emerging filmmakers on a low budget.

So you want to be an obituary writer?

Succeeding as an obituary writer is all about honoring who the deceased was, how they lived, and what they meant to the people closest to them. 

Using Writer’s Block to Help Your Writing Career

In the midst of writer’s block, instead of despairing ask yourself: What can I do today that will continue to move my career forward?