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How it works

Never miss an opportunity, a tiny new chance, or an open door. Submittable is an online platform that thousands of organizations use to collect and review all kinds of submissions and applications.


Browse our open Discover marketplace for opportunities based on information like keywords, deadlines, and fees.


When you find an opportunity you’re interested in, create a free Submittable account (it takes about one minute) or sign in.


Apply for your opportunity by filling out the organization’s application form.


Browse our open Discover marketplace for opportunities based on information like keywords, deadlines, and fees.


When you find an opportunity you’re interested in, create a free Submittable account (it takes about one minute) or sign in.


Apply for your opportunity by filling out the organization’s application form.

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Discover Blog

Get inspired, share experiences, and learn tips from other submitters.

The Best Research Tool You’re Not Using: A Reference Librarian

In the fifth and final installment of her series on research for writing, Stephanie Loomis Pappas celebrates the value the reference librarian.

Quick Non-Fic: Flash Nonfiction Markets

Are you a writer of short prose looking for flash nonfiction markets that pay? E. J. LeRoy has got you covered with ten winning reccomendations.

Go with the Flow

Great writing is built around good flow. Use these six strategies to keep your writing smooth, your editor happy, and your readers reading.

It’s Okay To Take Five Minutes To Write a Novel

It’s ok to take your time. If you can write a novel in five minutes, you’re doing allright. Just be sure you don’t spend much longer on it than that.

Five Reasons Why You Should Be Tracking Your Word Count

Are you tracking your word count? Here are five good reasons to start, with strategies for getting started and going strong.

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