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10 Ways To Find and Create Meaningful Photography Projects  

From her own experience documenting “lost synagogues,” Ellen Levitt shares ideas for how to create meaningful photography projects.

5 Benefits of Teaching Traditional Photography Techniques

Ellen Levitt recalls her start in the darkroom and argues for the persistant value of traditional photography techniques in higher education.

7 Reasons to Join a Photo Collective

As Joe Flood observes, by forming a photo collective, photographers can pool their talents and expertise to make a larger impact.

How to Elevate Your Photography (Without Buying Any Gear)

Filmmaker and photographer Aaron Palabyab suggests five ways you can transform your photography from the inside out without spending a cent on gear.

Storytelling for VR

Christine Yunn-Yu Sun shares her learning from a workshop on storytelling in VR designed specifically for individuals new to the technology.

Quilt Right Now

For this week’s prompts, Asta So offers creative ideas for composition inspired by the intricate and ancient art of quilting.

Write Right Now (Body Language)

This week’s creative prompts focus on the body and body language. Try one of ten suggestions as a starting point for new writing or other artistic work.

Making an Animated Short Film: Bringing Death to Life, Part 2

Part 2 of Clara Lehmann’s in-depth blog regarding the final steps for making an animated short film with partner Jonathan Lacocque.

Write Right Now (For Art’s Sake!)

Visual art is the ultimate inspiration for writing. Try a few of these creative prompts to explore where artistic observation and experiment can take you.