Suggestions for Emerging (or Broke) Filmmakers
Lack of money can be an asset if it forces you to find new ways of doing things. Explore these creative suggestions for emerging filmmakers on a low budget.
So you want to be an obituary writer?
Succeeding as an obituary writer is all about honoring who the deceased was, how they lived, and what they meant to the people closest to them.
Using Writer’s Block to Help Your Writing Career
In the midst of writer’s block, instead of despairing ask yourself: What can I do today that will continue to move my career forward?
6 Gems From the 2020 Sundance Film Festival
With over 128 feature-length and 74 short films, it’s important to know which gems from the 2020 Sundance Film Festival you absolutely don’t want to miss.
One of Submittable’s Founders Wrote a Song a Week in 2019 (And Here’s What He Learned)
John Brownell, a musician and a co-founder of Submittable, challenged himself to write a song a week through 2019. Here’s how it went and what he learned.
Compare Yourself to Other Writers, the Right Way
If you compare yourself to other writers, but do it thoughtfully, it could help inspire and motivate you to be your best. Here’s how.
Pick the Whole Orchard: How to Batch Your Freelance Research
In Part II of this Creative Research series, you’ll learn how to batch your research to write multiple articles out of a single research session.
5 Reasons Why You Need a Macro Lens
Looking to try something new? With macro photography, you can to capture everyday objects in unique ways. Here are five reasons why you need a macro lens.