Looking for application management software? Learn about Submittable for organizations. Learn about Submittable for organizations.

Six Ways Spreadsheets Can Help Fiction Writers

Spreadsheets aren’t just for accountants. Marc Elias Keller offers six ways writers can harness the power of rows and columns.

How to Elevate Your Photography (Without Buying Any Gear)

Filmmaker and photographer Aaron Palabyab suggests five ways you can transform your photography from the inside out without spending a cent on gear.

Creative Ways To Frame Your Rejection

Has your rejection bummed you out? Guest author Zakiya Kassam offers ten alternative (and more fun!) ways to think about getting turned down.

Write Right Now (At the Entryway)

This week’s creative prompts draw inspiration from Janus—take a few minutes, or more, to consider thresholds as you write into the new year.

Wizarding Houses for Writers

What if none of the Hogwarts or Ilvermorny houses seem like a good fit for you? Guest blogger Julie Vick suggests some great alternatives just for writers.

Zero to One Hundred Fifty: Lessons from Submitting This Year

Guest blogger and Eliza So Fellow Sheree Winslow shares the knowledge she gained about literary submitting by going for it with gusto in 2018.

Write Right Now (Sweet Treats)

This week’s creative prompts are inspired by the sweet treats and sugar that often pervade the holiday season. Enjoy ten new ideas for generative writing.

Ten Lessons Learned from Publishing a Niche Literary Anthology

The co-founder of a small press devoted to animal and environmental literature shares his tips for publishing a literary anthology.

Five Reasons Film Festivals and Script Competitions Benefit Screenwriters

Will Mullins offers five ways film festivals and script competitions provide an alternative approach for screenwriters looking to advance their careers.