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Artist Dates for a Digital Age

Artist dates, as suggested by Julia Cameron for every artist, are still possible during COVID-19. Eve Morton offers tips for great dates of all kinds.

How to Overcome COVID-19 Writer’s Block 

Has the pandemic left you in a creative slump? J.L. Akagi shares eight tips she hopes will help you overcome COVID-19 writer’s block.

Unmuting the Sonority of the Written Word: Reading Poetry Aloud

For Karina Lutz, reading poetry aloud has offered joy during quarantine, a gift she shares with loved ones and online in lieu of touring with her new book.

Tips for Travel Writers When the World is Shut Down

In this brave new world of pitching content to publications during a pandemic, travel writers may find these three tips useful.

A Lady Writer’s Guide to Freelancing in the Time of COVID

As a lady writer in the time of COVID, be prepared to embrace suffering, sleep badly, multi-task like a mother, and accomplish little.

COVID-19 Response: Artist Relief to Award $10 Million in Emergency Grants

Artist Relief is issuing emergency grants. Practicing artists impacted by COVID-19 can apply for a $5,000 award through Submittable.

COVID-19 Creative Calls for Submission

Sharing writing and art can be an antidote to fear and uncertainty. Check out organizations with COVID-19 creative calls for submission through Submittable.