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Submittable Monthly Roundup: New Year’s Edition



‘…No matter how I go, I want it reported that I drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra.’
— Carrie Fisher

The new year is a time for reflection, a moment of pause to consider where you’ve been, where you’re going, and how you want to understand the journey. At Submittable, we’re perpetually rounding the next corner — here’s our latest from the road traveled:

New Feature: Add-On Payments

Increase revenue and enable your community to purchase subscriptions, memberships, and other merchandise with the new Add-On Payments feature. Find out more or have the feature added to your account for free by sending a request to support@submittable.com.

Visual Innovations

In December, we released User View 3.0 , increasing responsiveness across the platform — plus, we think it looks good. You’ll notice updated Profile Info and Settings, new Drop Down Menus, and improvements to our Following Pages, Notifications, and Submission Lists.
Public View is a powerful tool, offering organizations the ability to visually share submissions and collect ratings. This feature is constantly improving — the latest additions promote social sharing with image previews for Facebook, Twitter, and Google+, as well as direct linking throughout every gallery.

Case Studies

Submittable is always excited to hear from you — how can we improve and how can we help you improve? We’ve been collecting case studies from innovative organizations like National Geographic, SANDOW, and Glimmer Train. If you’d like to be considered for a feature of this kind, email newsletter@submittable.com.


In December, our guest blog included a tribute to Google’s new universal font by Nat Newman, and an interview with Sarah Kahn and Bracha Tenenbaum of Free Verse, a non-profit serving incarcerated youth through creative writing.
Submittable’s blog also offers useful content for high-level organizations in all fields. Last month, we considered the definition of contemporary publishing and examined the psychology of image-driven media harnessed by public-voting contests.

Submishmash Weekly

Have you subscribed to Submishmash Weekly? Twice a week, we’ll send you a free, human-curated bulletin with news and opportunities in publishing and other creative industries for artists, filmmakers, and writers. Sign up here and join over 30,000 readers.

Thank you. We wish you a peaceful and joyous 2017.


Rachel Mindell

Rachel Mindell is Senior Editor for Submittable's Marketing Team. She also writes and teaches poetry. You can find Rachel's creative work here: rachelmindell.com